June 07, 2017
23 Reasons Why You’ll Never Regret Marrying An Alaskan
Marrying An Alaskan - The Best Decision Of Your Life
By: Courtney Dowd-Stanley
Marrying an Alaskan means you’re not going to get your everyday average cup o’ Joe. No, no – it’s so much more than that. It’s like the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had, but never knew existed. Not even in your wildest dreams. When you sign on the dotted line and commit your life to a rugged, adventure-loving Last Frontier addict, you might as well consider yourself the luckiest person on planet earth. The jackpot of all relationships starts (and ends) with marrying an Alaskan. Not to be too cliché, but sometimes size does matter. And it just so happens that Alaska is the largest, most wildly undeveloped state in the nation. So why not saddle up and prepare to go big or go home? Chances are high that marrying an Alaskan will deliver you a lifetime of spontaneity and perseverance, with endless amounts of laughter.
1 – They’re fearless, and fiercely protective.

2 – You’ll never have to worry about going hungry because Alaskans are saltwater slayers...

3 – Backcountry harvesters…

4 – And gifted gathers…

5 – Although they do enjoy getting high on the Last Frontier life, they aren’t high maintenance in the slightest.

6 – They’re a bit wild(ly passionate) with a touch of crazy.

7 – Plus, they have the BEST sense of humor.

8 – They’ve been known to grow some pretty mean beards, which is (obviously) super rugged and ahh-mazing!

9 – Ever feel the need to get away from it all? Don’t worry, your Alaskan understands (and feels the same way).

10 – Finding your ultimate adventure buddy is even better when you know you have a lifetime to explore together.

11 – Taking up new hobbies is equally as fun when you marry an open-minded, nature-loving Alaskan.

12 – You’ll always have a free rein to enjoy as many Eskimo Kisses as your heart desires, because Alaskans understand the bond between (wo)man and dog.

13 – Let’s be honest; there really isn’t anything better (or hotter) than a man (or woman) who loves dogs…

14 – Chances are still pretty darn high that you’ll have a very similar (Alaskan-chic) wardrobe...

15 – Your 50th anniversary gold is going to be dredged by your trusty Alaskans’ bare hands. Because Zales ain’t got nothin’ on this Alaskan!

16 – Alaskans are always resourceful.

17 – Just you, Alaska, and your soul mate. Life doesn’t get much sweeter than that!

18 – Trading ‘breakfast in bed’ for this kind of view is what ‘marrying an Alaskan’ dreams are made of. Oh the sweet life!

19 – Many Alaska residents sacrifice 50% of their time working remotely, just to provide for their families. Doesn’t get more admirable than that!

20 – They are king in the kitchen…

21 – Marry an Alaskan and chances are high that you’ll have some seriously adorable, super tough, totally-awesome Alaska grown kiddos.

22 – They’ll take you to the most breathtaking, untouched places on planet earth.

23 – As soon as you start to think the fireworks might be fading, the old flame is easily rekindled after a date underneath the magnificent northern lights.

How did you fall in love and end up marrying the perfect Alaskan for you? We'd love to hear all about your family adventures in the Last Frontier! If you are living and loving The Alaska Life – share your adventures with us on our Facebook page HERE, and they might just end up getting featured in one of our next blog posts.
Looking for more where that came from? Check out these 15 reasons why anyone who visits Alaska this summer won't want to leave. Also, these 13 adorable Alaska wildlife encounters are sure to make your heart smile. Also be sure to check out these 17 incredible field trips that many Alaska kids took, and will love even more now.
Written by Courtney Dowd-Stanley
Absolutely love everything about Alaska…….any single good man looking for a good women , email me let’s chat !!!!!!
Sheri barber
April 17, 2021
Good pictures and comments, should mention state bird is the mosquito. Waving is not to say hello it’s to keep them out of your face. No mention of cold temperatures or how hot water evaporates when tossed at -30 or colder. But love the post. Since 1972 I’ve seen a lot but so right with you’re comments.
April 17, 2021