Juneau, Alaska – Undeniably America’s Most Scenic Capital City

Juneau, Alaska - America's Most Scenic Capital

 By: Megan McDonald 

Juneau is the gorgeous capital of the state of Alaska. The absence of an established road system means that Juneau is accessible only by air or boat. It's nestled at the bottom of Mount Juneau, prohibiting any vehicle travel into the mainland of Alaska. Juneau Alaska from above Flickr - daihung
This incredible city houses a little over 31,000 people. The size of this municipality is larger than the state of Delaware or Rhode Island! It sits across from Douglas Island, and is situated in the Gastineau Channel. It's perfectly positioned for some of the most stunning scenery you can think of. Juneau Alaska sunrise Flickr - Aaron Chaleff
The area has some amazing trails and easy walks. You can find everything from wheelchair accessible nature walks, to adventurous uphill treks. It's effortless to choose your hiking skill level to find the perfect way for you to explore Juneau on foot! Juneau Alaska hiking trails Flickr - Diana Norgaard
Even though Juneau is on the fringes of a subarctic climate, its unique location offers much milder seasons than you would think. The city's warm winter temperatures can thank the Pacific Ocean's high temperature for its latitude. Winters tend to be moist and long, but usually above freezing. Flickr - Rick Fogerty (aka Cowboy Rick)
Between the mild climate and Alaska's amazing midnight sun, be prepared to be wowed by the types of flowers you will see! You will be amazed by all the plants and flowers bursting into color all over the city. Flickr - Aaron Goodman
Downtown Juneau is picturesque and filled with fun and interesting activities to do. The city center is very stately, with historic buildings and easy to navigate sidewalks. juneau alaska downtown Flickr - Bernard Spragg. NZ
The impressive Mendenhall Glacier is an easy trip to visit nearby. Mendenhall spills out from the Juneau Ice Fields, and is easily one of Juneau's more popular tourist attraction. It's very easy to visit, and there's an excellent visitor center nearby! juneau alaska mendenhall glacier Flickr - Pat W. Sanders
What other capital city in America can boast of 38 different glaciers, or waterfalls cascading into the ocean? Juneau is a singular experience, for tourist and resident alike! Flickr - Joseph

The Mendenhall Ice caves offer stunning walks through ethereal blue caverns. This is an incredible experience- but we highly recommend you go with a guide to help you be sure of which caves are safe to explore!

Flickr - arctic_council
The sunsets over the Pacific Ocean from Juneau are breathtaking. The colors you'll find are hard to replicate anywhere else, and the mountains rising up from the ocean are a stunning reminder that you are in Alaska! Flickr - Kevin Harber
The wildlife in Juneau is just another reason to fall in love with this city. From the majestic humpback whales, to orca or killer whales, you won't be disappointed in the marine life while you're here! Don't forget the bears and almost 20,000 eagles. juneau alaska humpback whales Flickr - jerseygal2009
The city offers many different types of boating experiences. From fishing, to going out on your own in a kayak, there are many ways to explore the waters surrounding this great capital! Flickr - Joseph
The best part about Juneau is how much there is to see and experience. The city is set up for you to immerse yourself in all of the beautiful things Alaska has to offer. Flickr - Ian D. Keating
Juneau is a land of magic and wonder. The sheer rock cliffs dropping into the sea, or the glacier glowing blue during cloudy days, are moments to remember. It can truly take your breath away! Flickr - Ian D. Keating
So the next time someone wonders what the most beautiful capital city is- you will have their answer! Juneau stuns through all seasons. It truly is the embodiment of everything we love about Alaska! Flickr - Joseph
Looking for more where that came from? You'll love Girdwood, Alaska - Named Among World's 10 Greatest Mountain Towns. Another beautiful town with great fly fishing on the Situk River and world-class surfing, is the remote community of Yakutat. Also, check out Alaska's Admiralty Island - Home To North America's Highest Density Of Brown Bears.
If you are living and loving The Alaska Life – share your adventures with us on our Facebook page HERE, and they might just end up getting featured in one of our next blog posts.
Written by Megan McDonald

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