Mother's Day Giveaway!

Happy Mother's Day to all The Alaska Life mamas out there!  We are really excited to bring to you this Alaskan inspired gift pack that will surely be a hit for your Alaskan Mom! Who doesn't love a little gold and goodies? The rules are simple, just take a moment to review them and make sure that you get your two entries! The following items are what you can win in this perfectly pink prize pack! * Pink Alaska Life decal * "Moose, it's whats for dinner" sweatshirt (pink, size medium) from Alaska Chicks * Alaska Chicks headband

* Limited edition PINK, 'Gold Pan' gift pack from Gold Bering Dirt

So here are the rules! 1) First, you must be a fan of our facebook page (  While you're on our facebook page, feel free to say hi, shoot us a photo, or interact with one of our recent postings! 2) Next, leave a comment below on this post letting us know something special that you appreciate about your mom!  Your comment on the this post will be your first entry. (only one comment per person please) 3) To obtain a second entry, share this post on facebook, then come back here and place a comment telling us you "shared"!  If you do both of those things, you'll have two entries to win the giveaway. 4) We will be choosing the winner on May 12, 2013 @ 8PM by taking the total number of comments and pulling one number using to see who won! 5) The winner will be announced on our facebook page within 24 hours of the deadline.  Said winner, will have 24 hours to respond or another name will be drawn.  Prize will be shipped within 7-14 business days and shipping costs will be covered by The Alaska Life. We would like to thank the generous sponsors of this giveaway, Alaska Chicks and We can't wait to hear all about the wonderful women that inspire your life! So, let's hear it!


I appreciate my mom because she is beautiful inside and out. She has “a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious in the sight of God” (1 Peter 3:4)

IreneHehnkeMeadows April 17, 2021

My mom was my best friend we would talk every day. she would call me a dozen of times in one day, she would call even if  it was the littlest thing to tell me. how I miss that. she passed away five years ago but it fells like yesterday. she helped me out so much when ever i needed help. she taught me so much and how to raise my children. I am so grateful for that.

bluefeather April 17, 2021


AnisaNelson April 17, 2021

I appreciate my mom for making me an emotionally strong woman!

CathiB April 17, 2021

My mom taught me how to be a mom just like her. I learned nearly eveything I am teaching my children from her. She taught me to love unconditionally, to live my life in a way that I could always be an example for good, and how to maintain a home even in the craziest of circumstances.

erinboehme April 17, 2021


DawnQuinn April 17, 2021

Shared! :)

PattyYaska April 17, 2021


erinboehme April 17, 2021

My mom was always there help me. I love her so much for that. she passed away 5 years go but it only seems. she loved her grand kids so much. she was my best friend, we would talk every day and she would call me a dozen times in one day, even to tell me the littlest things. how i miss that. my mom meant the world to me.

bluefeather April 17, 2021

My mom has always been my biggest fan and my best teacher. Thanks to her I was able to learn how to appreciate life. And being a mom myself, I appreciate her so much more.

DawnQuinn April 17, 2021


Arcticbeagle April 17, 2021

What an awesome gift package !

Arcticbeagle April 17, 2021


EddieRamsey April 17, 2021

My mom is one of the hardest working Moms I know!!! She is an even more wonderful Gramma to all 5 of her grandchildren!

PattyYaska April 17, 2021

I would love win this for my daughter Christine. She is an incredible mother to her 18 month old daughter. My granddaughter has cerebal palsy and my daughter has dealt with this amazingly. Not as something horrible, rather just life. Christine is an inspiration to not only me but all mothers!

AnisaNelson April 17, 2021


CherylREksteinBartels April 17, 2021


EileenGravelle April 17, 2021

Growing up my mom was the neighborhood mom. After we grew up, she was everybodies care giver. She had so much love to give and everyone loved her. Towards the end I got to return all she had done for others by being her care giver. I miss her every day.

CherylREksteinBartels April 17, 2021

My mom worked my whole childhood and is still working hard to provide

EddieRamsey April 17, 2021

She’s always there for me without passing judgement

EileenGravelle April 17, 2021

My mom is a tough alaskan woman who taught me so much. Love her with all my heart!

AlaskanAddison April 17, 2021

She left this world much too soon, but left behind a wonderful
Legacy. Those that knew her LOVED her & those who did not
Love her, did NOT know her. 36 years later she is still greatly

MonkeyBusiness April 17, 2021

My mom is a good mom and she is a great grandma!

deonrenae April 17, 2021

Mom worked hard to give us extra things we didn’t need.

risingsun5 April 17, 2021


TammyTaylor April 17, 2021

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