Alaska Tourist Quotes - 12 Quotes from the Last Frontier!

12 Incredible Alaska Tourist Quotes!

Ahh....the Alaska tourist quote.  Being born and raised here means I've heard my fair share of these.  Couple that with the fact that I worked for the National Park Service in the visitor center of Denali National Park in the summers, I've heard several that almost make you cock your head to the side like an inquisitive canine that is seeing something new for the first time.  The presence of a spiral bound notebook of hand-written Alaska tourist quotes from the National Park staff can neither be confirmed nor denied :) We recently put a post up on our Facebook page asking for the best from our fans who have heard these with their own ears.  We do this from time to time, and it always rewards me with some good reading at the end of the day.  Scrolling through these can make a person chuckle, sigh, furrow their brow, or wonder about how some of these folks might go about their daily lives! These posts certainly aren't made to poke fun and laugh AT people, but to laugh WITH people.  I've come to the conclusion that the purveyors of the infamous Alaska tourist quotes are oftentimes in such awe of Alaska (and for good reason) that sometimes they might just say whatever comes to mind at the moment, without taking the time to think about what they're saying.  We have all been guilty of this in some form or fashion, so while these are funny, we could also have a bit of patience with the tourists who visit Alaska and want a taste of what we get to enjoy on a daily basis.  ENJOY! Alaska Tourist Quotes Denali


  Alaska Tourist Quotes Moose

While deer on the roadways are certainly an issue, I'm not sure a 150 pound deer is as much of a hazard as a 1,000 pound bull moose!


Alaska Tourist Quotes River

Typically in Alaska, our rivers flow downhill.  I can't speak to other areas, but that's how it works here....


Alaska Tourist Quotes Bears

No take-backs!  We bought this land fair and square for 2 cents an acre! #bestdealever


Alaska Tourist Quotes Island

While we do have bridges here, its a little known fact that Alaska is ACTUALLY connected to Canada....who knew?!


Alaska Tourist Quotes Snow

Shoveling it up and storing it in the 'snow warehouses' is definitely a burden on the community.  There has to be a better way!


Alaska Tourist Quotes Northern Lights

Only when we want to.  We can be stingy with the 'Aurora Switch', and you have to be nice to us!


Alaska Tourist Quotes Moose Deer Alaska Tourist Quotes Elevation

At the same elevation where bears turn into squirrels, sheep into goats, caribou into marmots, etc.  I thought this was common knowledge?  Yes, this has been asked multiple times....eesh!


Alaska Tourist Quotes Rain

Alaska DOES have more coastline than the rest of the US (by a WIDE margin), so maybe since we touch more saltwater this was asked?  Fortunately for us, it still rains freshwater...and the plants are thankful for that.


Alaska Tourist Quotes Highways

Fresh snow might stay on the roads for longer than some people might like, but our guys don't get THAT far behind!


Alaska Tourist Quotes Rocks

Another little-known fact about Alaska....we grow big really, really big rocks!


Alaska Tourist Quotes Pipeline

Believe it or not, the oil isn't actually in a metal barrel...while its in the pipe :)


Alaska Tourist Quotes Moose Eating Salmon

Moose...still herbivores in Alaska!

  Enjoy this?  Let us know!  We can certainly do more of these!  


HAHA! That’s a new one for me. That’s fantastic! —Kyle

Kyle April 17, 2021

My sister owns a small store in Sitka, and she said people come in off the cruise ships and ask, “do you take American money here”?

Wayne April 17, 2021

I think you’re right. Alaska is so awe inspiring that it generates some less than fully thought out comments! :)

Kyle April 17, 2021

Really?! :)

Kyle April 17, 2021

As a bartender in southeast, I have been asked by tourists if I live here in the winter time.

Lynn April 17, 2021

A pilot was taking a couple tourist sight seeing around the Fairbanks area and the tourist remarked that he was surprised at how many people here had swimming pools in their yards. It was blue tarps. lol

Linda April 17, 2021

as most of you know,Denali spends a bunch of summer with cloud cover,I have been asked many time “when does the mountain come out?”…..Look at the clock on the wall and say in about an hour..

Darlene April 17, 2021

Best one I have heard was while halibut fishing. Customer looked at me and asked, “How far above sea level are we?” I looked at him and said about 2 ft while you are sitting in that chair.

Andrew April 17, 2021

Standing on the pier in Juneau "What elevation is this?

Richard April 17, 2021

Awesome! Provided some very entertaining reading! I think the amazing beauty of our state probably just rattles some folks’ brains a bit, I just can’t believe they’re quite like that on a day-to-day basis….are they? :)

Lori J Cypher April 17, 2021

I left Wassila in 2007 and moved to Houston Tx, I cannot count how many times people question increadulously " you mean you can drive to Alaska?"

Eric carlson April 17, 2021

Drove tour bus for two years. Heard a lot of dumb questions but my favorite was when were standing next to Turnagain Arm and a lady who had hustled back to the bus and was breathing heavy asked what elevation we were at. I looked at the water just below us, looked back at her and said “About 20 feet. Maybe 25.”

Todd April 17, 2021

I love this one…it seems everyone has heard this in one form or another! :)

Kyle April 17, 2021

Good stuff! I have always loved the tourists enthusiasm for Alaska that sparks their interest and literally sometimes blows their minds…

Grant April 17, 2021

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