Will This Warmer Weather Continue?!
Alaskans have just experienced a very mild winter in which numerous warm weather records were broken. Just last week, the U.S. Weather Service released a prediction that the warmer than normal temps will continue through spring and early summer. Maybe those maps which have Alaska along side California and Hawaii are actually accurate. (Except for the fact that they always shrink Alaska down in size….so humiliating to be made to appear smaller than Texas!)
That said, the persistent southerly winds carrying warm air from the tropics are foretasted to continue. The Climate Prediction Center just released this update for May, June and July: “The current prolonged trend of above normal temperatures, abnormally warm sea surface temperatures near Alaska, a well-below normal snow-pack (over land) and sea ice conditions (over the Bering Sea), and the presence of El Nino conditions over the equatorial Pacific Ocean, are all significant predictors for significantly above normal temperatures on average through at least mid-summer.”
And then they add this qualifier just to cover their bases: “This is a general temperature outlook for the period from May through July. There may still be colder periods of weather during this time.” However, to keep all of this forecasting in perspective, lets remember the old saying: “If you want to make God laugh tell him your plans!”
1 comment
We have a good friend name Tom Fisher up in Alaska. It was rather surprising how warm it can get, even that far up north. Anyway, we’re used to hot weather down here in the desert southwest Arizona. Hoping to get up to visit Tom again sometime in the near future.