The "Perfect" Alaska Moose Hunting Rifle - Hunting Alces alces

Hunting Alces alces…The “Perfect” Moose Rifle

By: Michael Rogers

There is no getting around it; moose are the largest antlered game in the world and among the largest game animals routinely hunted in North America and Europe. While the bison is generally larger and some of the largest bears might outweigh even a good-sized moose; a moose is the largest animal most hunters will ever pursue in the northern hemisphere. There is simply no real way to describe the feeling of walking up on your first bull moose; I straight out gasped in shock. While some animals seem to shrink when you finally lay hands on one, moose seem to only get bigger. There is no such thing as “ground shrinkage” when Alces alces is the quarry.  Alaska moose hunting is a special endeavor. alaska moose hunting When discussing the correct armament for adequately tackling the task that is Alaska moose hunting, the first step is to not ignore the animal’s generous size. An Alaskan bull moose is best thought of as starting between 700-800 pounds for a 2 year old spike/fork and can go upwards of 1600 pounds for an old bull. The largest moose carcass ever weighed was shot on the Yukon River in 1897 and tipped the scale at 1808 pounds. One thing to remember; the heaviest wild specimens have seldom ever been weighed in the field and almost always come out in pieces. Suffice to say that “large” is pretty much the rule rather than the exception.  In this article featuring an exceptionally large bull moose, you can see that when we say big...we mean BIG! alaska moose hunting Moose taken with .375 H&H While many folks would choose to pursue a moose with an elephant cartridge just based on size alone, some traits of the animals are better considered. For one, despite their great size moose tend to be fairly easy to put down. A stopping rifle like the .416 Rigby or .458 Winchester just isn’t really necessary for Alaska moose hunting. They certainly aren’t tough like bears or elk are tough and if they were as tough as a mountain goat, you’d pursue one only with a bazooka. They also have a couple of other traits worth mentioning. The first is that moose are pretty phlegmatic and don’t really succumb to bullet shock- you’ll seldom see one drop to the shot unless you impact the central nervous system. The second is that wounded moose tend to find the nastiest, wettest, brushiest, deepest hole in which run into before dying. That is, if they don’t have a handy body of water to expire in the middle of instead. So where does that leave us? A huge animal that is fairly easy to kill, typically fairly slow to die, and tends to stay on its feet for a surprisingly long time after being shot.  In choosing a rifle, I think we can dispense with the small bores right away. The .22s, the 6mms, the .25s…they just aren’t moose cartridges. I realize that all of these are far more deadly than I’m perhaps giving them credit for, especially with modern bullets. While I have helped butcher a moose that was killed stone dead with a single round of 22 Long Rifle (DLP shooting), it’s not something I would carry or suggest for hunting a moose. While the smaller bores are certainly capable of dispatching a smaller “meat moose” with a perfect broadside shot, there’s no guarantee you won’t get a northern giant or a hard angle or have to reach across a lake. With all due respect to the Swedes, the 6.5s aren’t really moose cartridges either. alaska moose hunting From left: .264 Win Mag, 6.5 Swedish, 6.5 Carcano, .260 Rem, 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5 Grendel
via Wikipedia And that perhaps merits a bit of discussion before the comments fly. While the Swedes use the marvelous 6.5x55 to harvest thousands of moose per year, Alaska moose hunting and Swedish moose hunting is a bit different. For starters, the Swedes are hunting the Eurasian “elk” version of a moose (in Sweden a “mus” is a mouse, and hunting them will get you looked at funny). While still large, the Eurasian elk (moose) is similar to the Shiras of the “lesser 48” and is considerably smaller than the Alaskan moose; in fact, about 1/3 or so smaller. Shooting a Shiras or Eurasian moose is more like shooting an elk than an Alaska/ Yukon moose with respect to size. Below is a screenshot from the Boone and Crockett site, detailing the current World's Record moose.  You can see that the Shiras moose, even in antler size, is diminutive in comparison to its larger cousin in Alaska. alaska moose hunting alaska moose hunting The 6.5x55, while excellent, is also analogous to the .30-06 in the U.S. It is popular there largely in part due to the fact it was widely available in very inexpensive surplus rifles. Any sort of bargain rifle will inevitably find its way into the hunting field and be used out of proportion to other options regardless of its technical merit. The other thing is that moose hunting in Sweden is very much a pastoral pursuit. The focus is on harvesting animals for market and a lot of the harvest is cows, calves, and small bulls. Hunting is generally in timber and the shooting tends to be close by our standards. In Alaska, the focus is mainly on harvesting large, mature bulls. The 6.5x55 is an excellent cartridge but the evidence of the Swedes making it a moose rifle by fans of the small bore just doesn’t hold enough water for me. The same would apply to the .260 Remington, the 6.5 Creedmoor, .264 Winchester and similar cartridges. While it’s easy to be enamored with the 6.5s- easy to shoot, low recoil, and very accurate- a large moose in open country at quartering away angle might be more challenge than they’ll overcome. I realize some folks will chaff at this, but we’re talking the “perfect” Alaska moose hunting rifle, not the “smallest acceptable” Alaska moose hunting rifle and the line has to be drawn somewhere. In my opinion the smallest cartridges that make a sensible minimum are the 7mms. While not technically a 7mm, I’d also throw the .270 Winchester in there as well. I’d also give a bit of a caveat: only with the heavier, controlled expansion bullets. The lightest bullet offerings are typically meant for deer but the heavier bullets in the 150-grain weights are built for larger game. The .270 Winchester, the 7-08, the .280 Remington with a 150 grain controlled expansion bullet would do the trick on a moose, especially for a recoil sensitive hunter. With all due respect to Jack O’Connor, his favored .270 load with a fast stepping and fast expanding 130 grain bullet is not the best for moose. The 7 magnums like the 7 Remington Mag and RUM, the 7 Weatherby Mag and the unloved 7 WSM would be just fine and can use 160 to 175 grain bullets as well. alaska moose hunting From left to right: metric/imperial ruler for size comparisons next to .308 Winchester, .284 Winchester and 7mm Remington Magnum cartridges loaded with soft point bullets. Photo via Wikipedia Better yet are the “standard” .30 calibers; guns like the .308 and .30-06. Thousands of Alaskans harvest a moose with these or the like every fall. The tough 180 grain bullets are the obvious choice and most perform very well on large animals. The ’06 is basically the Ford F150 of bolt action rifles- there might be better choices, but someone is going to make it work out. alaska moose hunting Moose harvested with a rifle chambered in .30-06 Stepping up slightly to the .300 magnums gets you in better territory with a bit more velocity, a bit better trajectory and a bit more energy. In the Interior, where Alaska moose hunting happens in more open country, some flavor of .300 is perhaps the odds on favorite for a “one rifle” solution among resident hunters. Not only do you have the power to reach out to longer ranges, you can also start to deal with less than ideal shot angles. As a confession, I’ve used the .300WSM with perfect satisfaction for the last 13 seasons. Not exclusively, but extensively. That’s including a moose decked at 350 yards with a quartering away shot. The bullet penetrated several feet of moose and anchored the bull. While I really like my smaller bores, I wouldn’t have taken that shot with any of them and went moose-less that year. alaska moose hunting From left to right: .300 Winchester Magnum, .300 WSM, .308 Winchester, .223 Remington. Photo via Wikipedia The next step up for Alaska moose hunting is likely the point at which we can say we find the real “perfect” moose rifles. The medium bores. Likely starting with the oddball .325WSM (technically an 8mm) and the obsolete 8 Remington Magnum and going up through the .375s. Guns over .30 but under the “big bore” .400” threshold of African stopping rifles. The 1958 vintage .338 Winchester Magnum was marketed as an “Alaska” cartridge since the very beginning and has an enviable reputation in the 49th state as a moose stomper. Cartridges like the .340 Weatherby, the .338RUM and the 33 Nosler all have the ability to throw heavy bullets long distance and are superb moose rifles. The .35s, while not popular, make a good moose rifle as well. Cartridges like the .358Winchester, the 35 Whelen and the .350 Remington magnums are seldom seen but effective on the largest game. The long discontinued .348 Winchester had an enviable reputation in the early 20th century as a rifle for Alaska moose hunting. The .375s like the .375 Holland and Holland or the newer .375 Ruger make excellent rifles for moose and are capable of tackling the largest specimens walking. To these I would add the 45-70; while it’s powerful, it’s not a true “big bore” due to its black powder roots and low operating pressures. Its only drawback is range, but for the hunter who pursues moose in timber and thickets common in more coastal regions it is just fine. Alaska moose hunting Alaskan moose taken with a .375 Ruger The drawbacks to the medium bore are obvious. In all but the smallest, recoil becomes a very real concern. Heavy bullets at high velocity come with a thump at the back end. Ammunition costs can also be substantial with some cartridges going for $5 each… or more. What you have is a rifle that is both unpleasant and expensive to fire, the result is a rifle that usually won’t get shot all that much. Many guides hate seeing a newer .338 come into camp. They know most folks just don’t practice with their big boomer enough to get really proficient and as a result their shooting suffers. Several years ago I remember watching a guy attempt to zero his new .338 out at the range. Two boxes of ammo and I don’t think he even got it close since he would squeeze his eyes shut tight before yanking the trigger. Once the scope came back and hit him he might as well have just went home. But, for the folks who can master the medium’s substantial kick and substantial drain on their wallet, they make an excellent choice for moose rifle. For those that can’t, stepping back to the .30-06 or a .300 isn’t giving up all that much for Alaska moose hunting. Michael Rogers is an Alaskan hunter, an inveterate rifle crank, and a casual moose fan. September finds him prowling the Alaska Range looking to pack out a moose and fill his freezer.


325wsm (8mm) is a small bore that can take a moose effectively to 600 yards. It was made for elk,moose, large plains game and even large brown bears. Any animal on the planet can be taken with it. 32-35 ft.lbs of recoil energy will likely not be felt when shooting at the aforementioned quarry; unless you are a wuss. The article is well written
with good photos.

VF April 17, 2021

A few points: 8mm is a small bore not a medium bore. Ample energy, with the proper construction and placement of a bullet will do it. O’Connor admitted the 30-06 was more effective than the 270 and likely would have found it better for anchoring a moose. Writers will write these type of articles for ages to come. My comments are somewhat neither here nor there- lol.

Jum April 17, 2021

This is such a great article! Thanks for sharing your experiences and these tips! I’ve been thinking about upgrading my rifle in order to try moose hunting, but I’ve never been sure which one to get, so this is awesome! I didn’t even think about the different size bores, so I will definitely be deep-diving into all of the rifles that you mentioned!

Alex Sutton April 17, 2021

Thanks for the article, its excellent! For years my buddies have been trying to get me to bump up from my 30-06 to a 300mm rifle. My trusty 30-06 has always served me well for whatever I can afford to hunt (whitetail, mule deer and elk). I’ve been thinking about going moose hunting lately and I’m reluctant to run out and by a 300 win. mag. just for a single hunt.

Bill April 17, 2021

I shoot a savage 116 Alaskan brush gun in 338 win mag and I’ve taken 2 moose and one elk with it and numerous deer. My rifle has the short heavy barrel and shoots moa with factory 250 grain federal bullets. I filled in the composite stock with silicone and lead shot to balance it and soak up the recoil. Love it

Dennis April 17, 2021

That cartridge will work just fine for putting moose down. Limitations are likely dependent on your practice, field conditions, and how accurate your rifle is. That said, with open sights you could probably make respectable hits at up to 100 yards just fine on a kill zone sized target of a moose at a range. We all know that hunting can be very dynamic, so figure out what your limit is and then use your best judgement when a moose is behind your sights.

Kyle April 17, 2021

I purchased a 7.62 × 54r (metric 30-06) open sight and would like to hunt moose in the forests of Saskatchewan. Good idea, bad idea? any distance limitations you’d recommend open sight?

Jeff April 17, 2021

Just took a Swedish hunting permit exam on my trip there. It was a shooting range weapon Tikka T3x in 6.5×55se .. I was told this is the lowest caliber that allows you to shoot all the big Scandinavian animals (except for bears) and so it is the caliber of choice for most Swedes for coming in to take their yearly permit test. And although technically they can go out to hunt moose using 6.5 Swedish, none of them do. But deer, fox or pig.. great cartridge.

rod April 17, 2021

Nice Article. I’ve killed four moose with my Model 70, .270. Jack O’onor killed 12 moose in lifetime with his beloved .270 with 130 grain bullets that he hand loaded.

I have most of his books and for me he has always my go to source.

Bob April 17, 2021

and a great alternative for up to 250 yds 9.3×62. 286grains. for very manageable recoil, like a 30-06.

rob April 17, 2021

I shoot a .300 H & H and reload.
Any thoughts on the 180gr versus 220 gr nozler partition for moose loaded with IMR4831.
Which would you choose and why??

Missy Skeeter April 17, 2021

Great article, I started moose hunting in Northern Ontario Canada in 1998. I have taken 4 bulls in that time while hunting in a party of 6 with family and friends we have taken 12 moose total. My 4 moose were ALL taken with a Sears model 45 which is a Marlin 336 made for Sears. Mine is chambered in .35 Remington, not the Remington magnum just the small .35 Remington. As I said I have taken 4 bulls with it 1 shot kills on all of them. My last moose was the largest by far and was estimated to be about 7 years old, he was around 1380 pounds on the ground. I took him with that .35 Remington at 147 yards! I also have my backup Remington 710 in .7mm Rem Mag but that’s only if I am sitting on a watch that has a 200 yard plus shot. The .35 would struggle to make a clean kill past 200.

Ian Campbell April 17, 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article, and everyones comments!

Dean April 17, 2021

Very Informative.

Alistair Rozario April 17, 2021

The .338 Winchester pushing good 250gr. bullets or the .375 H&H with good 270gr. bullets are two excellent rounds for hunting Kodiak.

KLKAK April 17, 2021

I have been hunting moose in Northern Ontario Canada since 1997 and have taken 3 moose within this time and have been part of taking moose several other times. My gun of choice has always been the Marlin 336 or in my case, the made for Sears Model 45 (Marlin 336) chambered in .35 Remington. I have taken 3 moose as I said with this gun and my furthest shot with reloads using the Hornady 200gr Lever Revolution silicon tipped spitzer projectiles was 147 yards! A lot say the .35 Rem isn’t sufficient enough for moose and more of a deer cartridge. All 3 moose I have taken dropped where they were shot! No chasing, so to the naysayers about certain cartridges for specific game, Don’t believe everything you hear! It’s all about that well placed shot!

Ian Campbell April 17, 2021

I’d lean toward the Christensen!

The Alaska Life April 17, 2021

I’ve been dropping Buffalo and Bear with a single shot from a Winchester 94 .30-30 for years. Shooting Remington corelokt 170gr. Bullet @ $10.00 a box. For me the most memorable hunts happen well within 200yds. Extra horse power is not necessary, Its all about using dimes and matchstick for targets.

Phillip Gregor April 17, 2021

Great article. Although I have manybof they rifles you mentioned here, for all the reasons you laid out, I use the 300WM for nearly everything.

Todd April 17, 2021

I have taken Alaskan Yukon moose with a .308, .300, and Ruger 375, all 3 guns did an excellent job and all 3 bulls were over 60”. The best advice I can give is bring the biggest gun that you are comfortable with and can shoot well. Nicely written article.

Gary English April 17, 2021

I am in the process of thinning my choice down on a 300 win mag now….down to three kimber 8400 Christensen Mesa or browning xbolt….all are fine rifles….just hard to choose at this point

Tracy April 17, 2021

Good article. I have put moose down with a 270 and a 338. While the 270 works, the 338 will drop them from the thump. If they get up, is not for long.

Chad Swarthout April 17, 2021

There’s no doubt you know what you’re talking about, this is a very well written documentation on rifle use on animal from what you say. I have to agree with you jack O’Connor used 270 all over Alaska, especially on the sheep. you have to understand Jack O’Connor would not shoot anyting if he could not place a shot exactly in a vital area,he specialize on shot placement, that’s the whole idea, his wife was popular 7 x57.
You are exactly right when it comes to Big dangerous game and big animals like moose and Bear, the larger board and power makes all the difference in the world, especially in Africa were the animals seem to be much tougher. I personally love the 375 H & H for moose and the brown bear plus Grizzly.
As for Caribou and Elk I think the 300s and the 338 is the weapon of choice. Very well written document.
John Fleming, Alabama
Worldwide Adventures Incorporated

John Fleming April 17, 2021

Thanks for writing this article with solid information in it.

Mike April 17, 2021

.300 Weatherby all day. Like you said mastering the higher recoil can be a challenge, but it definitely has the reach and the thump to take any bull at what sometimes seem like impossible distances. Having said that, my trusty 30.06 has dropped several moose in their tracks. Mr. flyingproud is absolutely right, it’s not the caliber rather than the shooter.

Trevor April 17, 2021

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