June 29, 2012
Swarovski Customer Service...A+!
On our recent black bear hunt, I lost an eye cup on my Swarovski 8x30 SLC binoculars two days into the hunt. Glassing with one eye cup was annoying and I couldn't wait to get back and get another set ordered up.
We returned from our hunt, cleaned up our gear, and I quickly went online to www.swarovskioptik.us to get a new pair ordered. I filled out a service request and left a note in the comments section letting them know that all I needed was a pair of eye cups. I hit submit and was given instructions on where to send the binoculars for service. I thought 'crap, now I gotta call someone and get this figured out'. Literally two minutes later, I answer a phone call.
Rep: 'Hello, I'm calling from Swarovski Optik and it appears you are needing new eye cups for your binoculars?'
Me: 'Wow, you guys are fast!'
Rep: 'Yep, it looks like you filled out a service request for repair, but if you give me the serial number on your binoculars, I can get a new set shipped out today.'
No charge to me for either the cups or shipping and 3 days later I had a new set of eye cups. I know this isn't a huge deal, but an excellent customer service experience like that goes a long ways these days! Great job, Swarovski!