Friday Media Drilldown

Its Friday!

Here is your Friday media drilldown! All of our most popular posts and articles this week brought together for your viewing enjoyment! This farmland photo by: Amber Mitterling was our most liked photo on Facebook: Not a Facebook fan? Be sure to like us HERE for the the best photos on the internet! Farmland in Alaska! Photo from Amber Mitterling Farmland in Alaska! Photo from Amber Mitterling

On Instagram it was the blood moon photo by Jim Keen.  You can see more blood moon photos HERE

Alaska Life Instagram

Our most pinned post on Pinterest

Don't have time to cook our newest recipes on the website? Be sure to pin it and save it for later! Alaska Life on Pinterest

Twitter : You can tweet us at @thealaskalife

The Alaska Life on TwitterAnd Lastly our most popular article on the website this week is all about the shenanigans at 2015 Arctic Man!

You can read that and check out the awesome photos and videos HERE!

We love our our fans! We are always accepting fan photo submissions, we want to see how you are getting out there and enjoying Alaska. You can can always send us direct messages on Facebook, post them to our  wall or tag us is your posts on Twitter and Instagram!

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