Campfire Caribou Steak - Perfect for Alaska Summers

Anyone who has spent time outdoors in Alaska knows that there's just something about a gorgeous, sunny day that makes you want to be outside ALL day!  This makes for many evenings of campfires and subsequently, campfire cooking!  On the menu for one of these campfire dinners was marinated caribou steaks.  With a bit of preparation the evening before or even the morning of your campfire caribou steak feast, you can enjoy these without much effort and enjoy cooking these outside and have fun during the process which can be a nice change of pace from your everyday meal preparation in a kitchen. Its easier to cook with a fire that has a nice bed of coals that radiate a lot of heat, so start your fire an hour or so before you plan to cook, which will make it easier to get your caribou steak to the desired internal temperature. caribou steak We recommend soaking your caribou steak for a minimum of 4 hours but you can experiment with longer as well! To make our simple marinade we combined the following: Worcestershire Balsamic vinegar 2 or 3 cloves garlic McCormick steak seasoning   The caribou steak was cooked on a hot rock in the fire.  This will require some tending to as you will need to flip, turn, and even move the steak around to get the desired rare/medium/well done that you prefer.  To take these up a notch, we then topped with some cheese! Cheese Topping:  Mozzarella (blue cheese is also recommended), 2 cloves garlic, salt, butter Serve with potatoes and a local brew from your neighborhood brewery and you have yourself an awesome meal that you harvested yourself (feel free to substitute moose, bison, musk-ox, elk, etc...or beef if you can't access wild game), cooked over an open fire, and shared with family and friends! Do you have your own campfire cooking recipe to share with us?  If so, we'd love to hear about it.  Shoot us an email, hit us up on Facebook, or comment below!

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