21 Cringe-Worthy Alaska Life Moments That Look Like An April Fools’ Day Joke Gone Wrong

21 Cringe-Worthy Alaska Life Moments

...That Look Like An April Fools’ Day Joke Gone Wrong

by Courtney Dowd-Stanley 

No matter how you look at it, The Alaska Life is known for bringing the element of surprise to even the most unsuspecting circumstances. Sure, our wild landscapes and rugged terrain pack a mean dose of eye-candy on the moments when we need it most. But when the mighty, powerful, unforgiving side of The Last Frontier decides to show up and greet us with an unsuspecting grin, we're left with a complete and total loss for words. Not only that, but the Alaska life also means that we have the wildest, wackiest friends who aren't afraid to 'go big or go home' at the drop of a dime. Because in Alaska, we believe in working hard and playing harder. Having fun runs deep in our blood, which sometimes leads to more trouble than we originally bargained for. Just see for yourself...   1 – When you swore that you knew how high the water tables were getting, and then just like that your truck went far, far away into the land down under(water). Hope he has good insurance! :-) Flickr, Donna
2 – That one time when your friend thought it would be hilarious to parade around 5th avenue in pink (women’s) moose pajamas… just to embarrass you. TMI, bro! Flickr, Kim F
3 – When a massive brown bear stomps into your fishing hole, and he means business! By the look on his face, we’d say that he’s not messing around. Flickr, Ian Collins
4 – When racing and rallying goes wrong. Or maybe the boulder fell and hit it? Looks like shenanigans to us. Whittier, Alaska is full of surprises!  Flickr, riteshm
5 – When you have places to go and people to meet, and then someone rolls up on your territory… Flickr, Zach
6 – But hey, at least you’re smarter than these people approaching a wild bear like its a cuddly creature from the cartoons. That’s gotta be a tourist, right?   Flickr, Nathanael Coyne “…the bear bells must not be working!” Flickr, J. Stephen Conn
7 – When your other half convinces you to take a honeymoon in state, and this is the special surprise. “But honey, it’s filled with historic charm!” ;-) Flickr, JLS Photography – Alaska …Just kidding! Only the classiest of places for you, sweetheart! Flickr, JLS Photography – Alaska
8 – Go home state workers, you’re drunk. Flickr, Alicia …While you’re at it, take off a few extra personal days while we try to figure out how to drive straight up the side of a mountain. Flickr, Kathy Nuefeld
9 – When the guy on neighborhood watch shows up with bullet holes in his car. Uhhh… “we swear, that wasn’t supposed to happen!” Flickr, Travis
10 – Skating on thin ice <aka> a little reminder of what it feels like to live on the edge. Or DIE! Flickr, Dan Logan
11 – Being an ice road trucker is all fun and cash-flow until you go and fall through the ice. Flickr, Tim Kuzdrowski
12 – When a thick fog rolls in off the inlet and suddenly you’re completely lost in the most dangerous, deadly translation. Hope you brought a compass!     Flickr, Paxson Woelber
13 – When you’re driving along on a peaceful sunny day and just like that, "OH $H!T!" Wait a minute… we get it. Only in Point MacKenzie, Alaska! Flickr, Nat Wilson
14 – When a ride on the wheeler takes a muddy turn, and you’re stuck in the middle of bear country with only a couple hours of daylight remaining. Put that wench to werk, baby!  Loomis Sage Marketing
15 – When a long walk on the beach turns into a life or death situation. Saved by the shovel! YouTube, Kevin S
16 – You had one job, greenhorn! Now look what you’ve done. Deep Creek carnage happened big time at the tractor launch. Peep the full video HERE. YouTube, Mel Erickson
17 – When you go overboard in the freezing, hypothermia-ridden waters of Bristol Bay. Click HERE to watch the insane video footage! Note: it is our understanding that the person who went overboard was rescued safely and was not critically injured.  YouTube, StefanVision72
18 – All we have to say is that finding a plane fully submerged underneath a lake, is never a good thing! (It's also a very tragic occurrence that comes along with Alaska's extreme isolation, unforgiving terrain and harsh weather patterns.) Alaska Department of Public Safety …never, ever, ever a good thing to see.  Wanda Sizemore
19 – When a good day out with the boys at the Palmer Hay Flats State Game Refuge turns from “built Ford tough” into “you might want to trade that thing in for a Chevy…” YouTube, Alaska Dispatch News
20 – When you can’t wait to move more firewood, and then… the firewood shows you who is boss. Didn’t Jenga teach you anything about patience!? ;-) Click HERE to watch the video footage. Facebook, @arcticdrive
21 – When... you just don't even believe your freakin' eyes! What even happened here? "Hey man, you're supposed to BACK that trailer in." As in, backwards. Not. Forwards. Facebook, My Home Is Alaska, Photographer Unknown While we think that these moments are pretty wild, we're not totally convinced that we've laughed hard enough just yet. We have a sneaking suspicion that you can probably top these moments with your craziest The Alaska Life 'oops' moments caught on camera. Share them with us on our Facebook page by clicking HERE and they might just end up being featured in one of our next blog posts. Written by Courtney Dowd-Stanley 

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